Total distance: 457.71 km (284.4 mi)
Total time: 12:01:01
Moving time: 7:54:45
Average speed: 38.09 km/h (23.7 mi/h)
Average moving speed: 57.85 km/h (35.9 mi/h)
Max speed: 120.27 km/h (74.7 mi/h)
Average pace: 1.58 min/km (2.5 min/mi)
Average moving pace: 1.04 min/km (1.7 min/mi)
Fastest pace: 0.50 min/km (0.8 min/mi)
Max elevation: 367 m (1204 ft)
Min elevation: 177 m (581 ft)
Elevation gain: 2246 m (7369 ft)
After a decent espresso in Amish town we set of in a southwest direction towards Columbus OH. The temperature was high but the small country roads provided some shade and cool breezes. Entering the city of Columbus the heat blasted us but we were on a mission – another well regarded brewpub with cool air conditioning was waiting for us. From there we set west on and along I-70 then eventually I-40 (The National Road) to avoid the trucks and traffic. Passing through Springfield we enjoyed the stately mansions that lined its main streets. In Richmond we stopped for what is claimed to be some of the best frozen custard but wound up having Italian Ice as the temps were just too high.
Entering Indianapolis we passed through some rough parts of town with fingers crossed we would not have to pull over. Eventually we found a decent brew-bar of little note other then having beer by Three Floyd’s Brewing – a very good and little distributed brewery.
Again, thanks to a family discount – the Marriott was our stay for the night.