June 30th – July 4th 2014 A flight from JFK to Amsterdam to meet up with Hans. He brings the AlfaSud down with him and we then drive directly to Calais France and take the Chunnel to the UK and …

June 30th – July 4th 2014 A flight from JFK to Amsterdam to meet up with Hans. He brings the AlfaSud down with him and we then drive directly to Calais France and take the Chunnel to the UK and …
Today I set off for the Netherlands with my ultimate destination being the Auto Moto d’Epoca in Padua Italy. This yearly auto parts market/classic auto show has been on my “to do list” for years. From the photos I’ve seen and stories …
On the way west on Long Island I passed by my favorite Alfa shop, Alfa Auto Clinic. My 66 Super is there for some work so I figured I’d stop in a visit the boys and my Giulia. Then at …
Arriving in Groningen was as always a treat. A beautiful train station awaits you as you depart. Dinky picked me up in his Alfa 33 and we creeped along in rush hour traffic towards Cor
Departing DInky’s moms house we headed south towards our hotel in Barr France, just south of Strasbourg. Then Dinky recalled that some of his Dutch Alfa Club buddies were planing to attend a car show this very weekend outside of …
After a morning walk around the historic section of Barr France we loaded up Dinkys 33 and set our sights for Italy and our final stop for the day; just south of Lake Como. Before good pizza and a bed we …
Picking up a buddy at the Milan Malpensa airport afforded us the opportunity to visit a little known museum for all things flight. The Parco e Museo del Volo Volandia covers flight wether it be the earliest flights in gliders or space …
As the Auto D’Epoca starts tomorrow (Thursday) and the trip from Como to Padua is only 3 hours via the Autostrada and we have the day to transverse the distance – we’ve planned a slow route.
A thursday pre-show day was added a couple of years ago to the show due to the massive throng of people vying for space in the rare parts section. So, Dinky ordered pre-show tickets.
Friday the Auto e Moto d’Epoca opened to the general public with standard priced tickets so the crowds were many. Photographing the special cars without someone standing in the way was much more difficult
With no desire to venture to the show again today and fight through the crowds we decided today would be a good day to explore what the city has to offer.
Well I mapped out a scenic drive like the many I’ve done in the past. I’ve mapped out drives as far as across the USA so a simple trip from Padua to Amsterdam is a “walk in the park”. Well, …