Total distance: 618.22 km (384.1 mi) / Total time: 13:50:47 / Moving time: 9:51:21
Average speed: 44.65 km/h (27.7 mi/h) / Average moving speed: 62.73 km/h (39.0 mi/h)
Max speed: 132.58 km/h (82.4 mi/h) / Average pace: 1.34 min/km (2.2 min/mi)
Average moving pace: 0.96 min/km (1.5 min/mi) / Fastest pace: 0.45 min/km (0.7 min/mi)
Max elevation: 2257 m (7404 ft) / Min elevation: 1304 m (4277 ft)
Our night was spent in the Globetrotter Lodge in Holbrook AZ. Our original plans were to stay in the wig-wam motel but found it booked and upon a closer inspection to the wig-wam when we arrived we were glad it was booked up. The Globetrotter is owned by a two couples form Austria who moved to the southwest for a change. They purchased this motel two years ago and have done a fine job in restoring this property with very Austrian flavor.
Our first attraction of the day was the Petrified Forrest and Painted Desert just to the east of Holbrook. This national park is very well laid out and organized. Even if one were to simply drive the road that crosses the park, that would be worth it alone. This shadeless environment even in the early hours of the morning was starting to heat up on this day.
Next was Meteor Crater – essentially an unattractive huge hole in the ground. The $16 entry fee moved this attraction from kitsch to rip-off territory. Escape from sweaty tourists in the movie theater was welcome.
Flagstaff AZ provided a welcome break from the desert for us and dark clouds cooled things off a bit. We stopped at Lumberyard Brewing for lunch. The beer was nothing special but was nice break from the road.
The drive from Flagstaff to The Grand Canyon along Route 89 is an extremely long and boring road. Eventually we arrived at the canyon to find a pending storm and masses of tourists.
Route 64 South from the canyon to Williams was equally dull but a this time was spiced up a bit by the lightning display illuminating the darkness.
Our stay for the night was at the historic Stagecoach motel. Nothing at all special and in need of restoration. Shag Carpet?? We were told there are themed rooms – we must have gotten the depression room.