Today I set off for the Netherlands with my ultimate destination being the Auto Moto d’Epoca in Padua Italy. This yearly auto parts market/classic auto show has been on my “to do list” for years. From the photos I’ve seen and stories I’ve read, its an Italian car fan’s dream event – full of classic Italian cars and hard-to-find parts.
Fellow route 66 travelers Dinky Boy and Baktash are joining in on the trip. Dinky and I will be traveling from Groningen NL via Alfa 33 to Milano where we pick up Baktash. Then the three of us plan to visit various auto museums, and collections (and breweries) in the Padua area.
So, with flood warnings on my phone alerting me to the dangers of puddles I set of in the Abarth towards the New London ferry for the best ferry in their fleet, the Mary Ellen. Upon arrival on Long Islands Orient Point I’ll be heading east toward my eventual destination JFK International Airport.
Looking forward to meeting up again. Be careful