Auto Moto d’Epoca, Europe 2014, Italy, Travel

Padua Trip: Day Eleven – Italy to Netherlands in a day

Since the previous days many miles of twisting roads accumulated in very little distance actually traveled toward our goal of Holland – we decided we should set our navigation via Germany’s high speed autobahn were the rate of your travel is only limited by how fast your car can go.  The 33 is limited at this point by weight, not so much by luggage, but by all the books purchased by Dinky in Italy and leaving little room for bags. Fortunately no women are on this trip!.

This area of Northern Italy boarders on Austria and if you did not look at a map to confirm it, you would think you were deep in Austria with the architecture, landscape and German Language spoken – save for the food. Still good Italian here.

Only the early part of the trip through Austria provided anything worth photographing, when the German border came – Dinkys foot mashed the gas pedal down and the very dull German countryside became a blur until it became too dark to see even that. Fortunately by the time it was required to turn in for the night – we had just crossed the border into Holland.  No more mountains for us.

The Alfa 33 performed fantastically well, even within the Alpine range of mountains and just about keeping up with the huge and very fast Audis on the German Autobahn.

Thanks Dinky for a great adventure!

The trip documented in the Dutch Alfa Club Magazine
KB149 Reisverslag Hans van Leeuwen


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  1. Well, thank you FF and Booty, I enjoyed this trip to the max!

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