Preparations to build a wire harness. With the old harness analyzed and labeled I am now preparing to replicate it using all new modern wire and quality double crimp terminals that will be soldered on as well. Various items were …

Preparations to build a wire harness. With the old harness analyzed and labeled I am now preparing to replicate it using all new modern wire and quality double crimp terminals that will be soldered on as well. Various items were …
Nearly all the bodywork and welding is finished. The last bit to finish are both front floor panels. Then a complete spray with the etching primer over which will be sprayed a high build primer that will then be mostly …
The seats in the super were in bad shape. I ordered Italian leather in the same color as the previous vinyl covers. The old covers and foam were stripped off leaving the rusty frames which were then blasted to bare …
After months in the body-shop where it had to be put aside a few times due to insurance/collision work, time has now come for color. High build primer was applied then sanded off then sealed. All the seams have been …
After sitting outside under a cover for a year or so I discovered some creature had fashioned a home for itself inside the heater box on top of the radiator. Aside from leaves, twigs and acorns, bits of foam and …
Various updates: Some of the front suspension and drive shaft parts have been assembled. All new bushings, powder coated parts and cadmium plated hardware. Soon to be dirty….anyway. Color and clear have been applied. Wet sanding and buffing are to …
With all the parts finally together and prepared the rear axel was assembled. Some of the powder coating flaked off and will be touched up. I’ve ordered a new set of break lines and will put them on when they …
Now, with the car rolling and prep work done for the engine reinstallation the Super is loaded on a flatbed again and delivered to Alfa Auto Clinic. They checked the engine rebuild and then installed it along with the transmission …