Total distance: 613.08 km (380.9 mi) Total time: 9:54:08 Moving time: 7:28:37 Average speed: 61.91 km/h (38.5 mi/h) Average moving speed: 81.99 km/h (50.9 mi/h) Max speed: 134.34 km/h (83.5 mi/h) Average pace: 0.97 min/km (1.6 min/mi) Average moving pace: …
California to NY 2011 – Day 1: San Francisco to Yosemite National Park
It was not easy to leave San Francisco but we have many miles to travel and a bunch of very twisty roads planed by the Dutchmen. I think it must be very difficult for Europeans to understand the vast distances …
California to NY 2011 – Day 2: Oakhurst California to Fallon Nevada
After a long day of twisty, high altitude roads yesterday – we had much more to look forward today. We left the horrid Black Hawk Lodge in Coarsegold CA and drove north on route 41 towards Yosemite park. When we …
California to NY 2011 – Day 3: Fallon Nevada to Burley Idaho
The original route planned by Dinky for crossing Nevada was route 50, also called “America’s Loneliest Highway”. Named so because of the many miles of nothingness that it crosses, without a single town to pass through (save ghost towns). Fortunately …
California to NY 2011 – Day 4: Burley Idaho to Cody Wyoming
Idaho only seemed to look better in the AM because today we were going to see something besides potatoes and wheat fields. Just before we were able to say our goodbyes to Idaho we were subjected to some very steep …
California to NY 2011 – Day 5: Cody Wyoming to Rapid City South Dakota
Total Distance: 650.57 km (404.2 mi) Total Time: 11:26:09 Moving Time: 9:06:21 Average Speed: 56.89 km/h (35.3 mi/h) Average Moving Speed: 71.44 km/h (44.4 mi/h) Max Speed: 137.77 km/h (85.6 mi/h) Min Elevation: 981 m (3217 ft) Max Elevation: 2727 …
California to NY 2011 – Day 6: – Rapid City South Dakota to Sioux Falls
We awoke early eager to depart Rapid City – this day we had a interesting place to see other then the endless tarmac of Interstate 90. Today we had plans to visit the Badlands National Park. After only an hour …
California to NY 2011 – Day 7:- Sioux Falls SD to Madison WI
Tired from the previous days long hot drive we did not spend much of the past evening exploring Sioux Falls and the morning found us at our typical first stop – an independent coffee shop. In my efforts to show …
California to NY 2011 – Day 8:- Madison WI to Holland MI
Driving on Interstate 90 in Wisconsin, Illinois and Indiana was quite horrible with endless miles of incomplete road construction, badly damaged tarmac and insane drivers who are oblivious to the lanes they are supposed to stay in and what the …
California to NY 2011 – Day 9: Holland MI to London Ontario
After too many days of getting up early, offered a horrid motel “continental breakfast” and hitting the road, I thought it would fun to explore Holland MI for a few hours. If my Dutch companions were getting homesick perhaps this …
California to NY 2011 – Day 10: London Ontario to Livingston Manor NY
I suppose after a miserable journey through Canada we were due something of worth before we departed. This scenic gift was Niagara Falls. Although the falls are on US territory the best view is on the Canadian side. With $20 …
NY to California 2011 via Lincoln Highway – Introduction
Purchased in Holland during the summer of 2006, this 1973 Giulia super was quite tired and heading for a scrapyard or perhaps a race track. After a close inspection and test drive I felt it was a good candidate for …